Blood Triad AUDIOBOOK has just finished recording‼️

& we visit the Hellmouth🔥and get unexpectedly corseted 🖤

It’s been a crazy busy two weeks since the last newsletter! And there are even MORE audiobook platforms carrying Blood Ex Libris—the full list is at the bottom of this newsletter, if you haven’t snagged your copy already!

This past Saturday was a huge day for IIP. I was in Cambridge (NOT Boston, the locals will insist rather pointedly), at the Ghost Ship Market at ManRay Nightclub, selling signed copies of all the books, and our branded tote bag, which you can get for FREE if you buy books 🛍️

I totally did not stock these just so I could have one, totally not!

Meanwhile, in “Sunnydale” California, Lore was selling the books, etc.—plus some really sexy bookmarks I can’t wait to get my hands on!—on the very Hellmouth Itself, Sunnydale High, at Hellmouth Con 2024 .This year, the HellmouthCon continued its tradition of supporting:

  • Los Angeles LGBT Center: Since 1969, this center has been a force against bigotry, advocating for health, equality, and societal acceptance of LGBT individuals.

  • Ron Glass Memorial Scholarship Fund: Part of The Al Wooten Jr. Youth Center which fosters a safe, nurturing environment for academic excellence and good citizenship, preparing youths in grades 3-12 for college and career readiness.

And we at IIP were so glad to be a part of that! 💖

And the Hellmouth will open in 5, 4, 3 …

Next up for us this whirlwind summer, Lore will be at the 2024 ALA Annual Conference in San Diego June 27 – July 2nd , so if you are heading there, find the IIP table and say “Hi!” We will have lots of yummy swag for you, including tote bags!

And I will be at the Ghost Ship Market at ManRay TWICE in July, the first and third Saturdays, signing books and chatting and having a brilliant time. I cannot express how much I love the Ghost Ship Market. All the vendors are such fantastic people, with handmade and unique wares. And the customers have all been so great to talk to, asking fantastic questions about the series and getting really excited about Noosh and her world. It’s just the best chill vibe on a hot summer’s day, so if you haven’t been, I really recommend getting your ass to ManRay on the first or third Saturday from 2-7PM to check the market out.

Unexpected corsetry whilst selling books!

This past Saturday, I had the real pleasure to be beside Eclipse Costumes & Corsetry, who became immediate friends. I spent the day being a living mannequin for their corsets! If you need any custom cos-play garb or a new gothylicious corset, they make very high quality clothing and are happy to work with you to get it just right.

Next up is getting ready for Blood Triad to drop on July 9th . As you have seen, both Publisher’s Weekly Booklife and Kirkus have reviewed it very highly, which has totally put me on Cloud Nine (I had to stop in the middle of writing this and look up the derivation of “cloud nine” and this is it)

Also, I have the extreme pleasure to announce that the Blood Triad audiobook has just wrapped up recording (I’m now doing the QC pass and enjoying every second of it). I’ll do a whole proper introduction of the narrators in an upcoming newsletter, but for now, all three (one for each story) are brilliant performers, top of their profession, and I am so lucky to get to work with all three of them.

Kwasi is reworking the cover to be square as I type, so I cannot show the audiobook cover just yet…but anyways, there is still lots of excitement over Blood Triad in paperback and ebook form dropping on JUNE 9TH .  Have you pre-ordered your copy, yet? If not, here is a list of options:

However, if you are looking for a FREE COPY, and you can post a review of the book on Amazon ON JULY 9th , we are still looking for reviewers! Pop over to Book Sirens and get Blood Triad for free, before everyone else! Oh, and they have just made it part of their “Action / Adventure ARCs You'll Love - June 2024 Batch” so if you want all your summer reading sorted in one go, just click that link and you’ll have a summer of thrills!

My name’s Raven Belasco, and I’m a dark fantasy writer. These newsletters are about my work and that #authorlife. Updates out bimonthly to subscribers. Feel free to send your friends to my Beehiiv, where they can read the most recent letters and subscribe.

If you don’t want these getting lost in the spam filter, please add to your email system’s address book or contacts.


I feel like that is enough news for now! Today’s music rec is Something New by Principe Valiente, which, while it is indeed a fresh new tune, is also proper Old School Goth, and is making me a VERY HAPPY BAT 🦇

Finally, as promised:

Everywhere you can buy the Blood Ex Libris Audiobook:

📚 And if you want to get it from your local library, it’s on Libby and 

Stay cool … and be good or be good at it! 😘


or to participate.